Our partners

Our partners in Russia are the Central Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital in Moscow (RDKB) and the non-profit foundation for the support of seriously ill and disadvantaged children Deti.msk.ru (“Children.msk.ru”), which has been working on its basis for over 30 years.

The beginning of the Foundation’s activity in 1989 dates back to the ministry of Archpriest Alexander Men, who organized one of the first Church Samaritan Services in the hospital. Since then, the foundation’s staff, volunteers, and philanthropists have been helping the hospital’s doctors fight for the lives and health of children. Medicines, consumables and medical equipment are purchased for the Central Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital. The foundation implements various hospital aid programs and supports young patients and their parents. Great importance is attached to the psychological care of sick children and the principles of inclusion.

The foundation is particularly proud of the projects “House of Hope” and “Neznajkas Town”.

“House of Hope” is a home-hotel for sick children and their parents. Children from different departments of the Central Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital come here for rehabilitation after operations and after the completion of the main course of severe treatment. This is the first rehabilitation centre of this type in Russia. The house was purchased in 2006 with funds from friends of the foundation and has since housed around a thousand families.

The program “Neznajka’s town” has been implemented by the foundation together with the Central Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital since 2005 and aims to provide comprehensive help to seriously ill orphaned children with disabilities who are constantly dependent on expensive treatment and rehabilitation. It’s a real mini-town where children live, learn and get treatment. “Neznajka’s town” has rooms and apartments for children and adults, classrooms, a library, workshops, a gym and even its own chapel. For children, this is a real home where they can develop themselves, make new friends – and even do professional theatrical performances!

For more than twenty years, the foundation “Deti.msk.ru” and the Central Russian Children’s Hospital have received monthly support from the entrepreneur Mr. Igor Zubkov, founder of the regional branch of the foundation “Deti.msk.ru” and the St. Stylian children’s charity DETI.RU gGmbH in Germany.

Letters of thanks to the founding shareholder

Letters of thanks to the St.Stylian Kinderhilfswerk